Popular Facilities



1.Two books are issued to each student fora period of 14 days only.
2. Reference books, text book, rare books& periodicals are not issued except for consultation in the library.
3.A fine of one rupee per day per volumeis charged for the books returned after the due date.
4.The students are expected to observesilence in the Reading Room & not to disturb others in anyway.
5.Special Library service, for extendedhours is provided near examination days.



1.Guru Nanak College, one the oldest premier institute of thearea, has introduced Electronic library from session 2013.
2.It is pertinent tomention that it is one of the first E- Libraries on the region.
3.College has also subscribed toN-LIST,by using it students and teachers can search and download thousands of books.
4.Six Computer terminals have been set to provide free access to educational tools like lectures, books.
5.A special facility of Book- Bank is provided for the needy students.



Thereare 16 computers in this lab.
1. Lab. is fully connected with LAN.
2. All systems are internet enabled.
3.Portable Projector is installed in this lab.


There are 21 computers in this lab.
1. Latest configuration.
2. All the computers are connected with lan & internet.
3.Main printer is shared among all the system.