Alumni  Aims

  • To promote and inspire a feeling of fraternity between all the old students and to foster the spirit of brotherhood and comradeship among the alumni of the College.
  • To organize and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students without discrimination between caste and creed.
  • To promote girl education in the vicinity.
  • To inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship among the students by providing financial aid.
  • To involve itself in programmes like blood donation. Drug-DE addiction, AIDS awareness, service of the blind and save the girl child. Apart from this, students of this organization collect and donate money to the critically ill children who are not financially in a condition to bear the expenses of their treatment
  • Not to engage in commercial activities for the benefit of any individual.
  • To strengthen ties between the college and the alumni and encourage the alumni to participate in various social and cultural activities of the college.
  • To arrange seminars, exhibitions, cultural programs, etc. from time to time to promote the interest of its members.
  • To encourage the alumni to take an active and abiding interest in the work and progress of the institute so as to contribute towards enhancement of the social utility of their AlmaMater.
  • To honour distinguished alumni of the college, who have brought national/global acclaim in their respective domain.
  • To provide a platform to our former students for sharing their expertise and experience with the current generation of the students.
  • To accept funds and assets in the form of grants /contributions for the purpose to achieve the objectives of association.
  • To provide a local point of contact among Alumni through the implementation of a program of reunion, events and functions and through the creation of networking opportunities for self-development.
  • To provide and disseminate information regarding the institution, its graduates, facilities and students to alumni.
  • To guide and assist alumni who have recently completed the courses of study to obtain employment to engage in productive pursuits useful to the society.
  • To establish and maintain a link with all the students and with the community at large.
  • Any other object decided by Executive Committee