1.Two books are issued to each student fora period of 14 days only.
2. A fine of one rupee per day per volumeis charged for the books returned after the due date.
3. Reference books, text book, rare books& periodicals are not issued except for consultation in the library.
4. The students are required to possestheir identity cards while inside the Library Reading Rooms. Defaulters will beasked to leave & their cases will be reported to the Principal.
5. Books issued from the Library should bekept carefully & in no case be underlined or disfigured. If a book isalready damaged in any form, it should be reported to the issuing LibraryAttendant or the Librarian. Once the book is issued the student will be heldresponsible for the damage.
6. The loss of a book should be reported tothe library before the due date in the absence of which the usual fine will becharged. The borrower will be required to replace it or to pay double its pricealong with his next college dues if the book is not replaced.
7. The students are expected to observesilence in the Reading Room & not to disturb others in anyway.
8. Special Library service, for extendedhours is provided near examination days.